
Breaking musical barriers – using online learning to bring musicians together

Freire Conference 2017 - 2nd International Paulo Freire Conference
Szram, A.
Conference Proceeding, 2017

Creating Hayden’s Sonatas at the Keyboard – Performer Rights and Responsibilities in Historical Performance

Journal of the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Irving, J.
Journal Article, 2014

Playing the Bridge, exploring the sonic potential of Hull’s swing bridge as a giant musical instrument

Bridge: Heritage of Connecting Places and Cultures
McDowell, J., Parry, N. & Boyd, M.
Conference Proceeding, 2017

Dance and Subtraction: Notes on Alain Badiou’s Inaesthetics

Dance Research Journal
Clark, J. O.
Journal Article, 2011

Methodological considerations for documenting the energy demand of dance activity: a review

Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science
Beck, S., Wyon, M. & Redding, E.
Journal Article, 2015

The value of sharing practitioner wisdom in a learning and teaching context for training contemporary dancers in a conservatoire

Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices
Redding, E., Lefebvre Sell, N. & Curtis-Jones, A.

Illuminating constellations of peer mentoring: the case of Music programmes in Higher Education

Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Jackson, L. & Price, C.
Journal Article, 2017