
Methodological considerations for documenting the energy demand of dance activity: a review

Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science
Beck, S., Wyon, M. & Redding, E.
Journal Article, 2015

The value of sharing practitioner wisdom in a learning and teaching context for training contemporary dancers in a conservatoire

Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices
Redding, E., Lefebvre Sell, N. & Curtis-Jones, A.

Illuminating constellations of peer mentoring: the case of Music programmes in Higher Education

Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Jackson, L. & Price, C.
Journal Article, 2017

Energy intake and energy expenditure of pre-professional female contemporary dancers

PLOS ONE Journal
Brown, M.A. Howatson, G., Quin, E., Redding, E. & Stevens, E.J.
Journal Article, 2017

Fit to Perform: An Investigation of Higher Education Music Students’ Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviors toward Health

Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science
Araújo, L., Wasley, D., Perkins, R., Atkins, L., Redding, E., Ginsborg, J. & Williamon, A.
Journal Article, 2017

‘What’s My Line?’ Performing Meaning in Mozart’s Chamber Music

Journal of the Royal Musical Association
Irving, J.
Journal Article, 2018