The value of sharing practitioner wisdom in a learning and teaching context for training contemporary dancers in a conservatoire
Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices
Emma Redding, Naomi Lefebvre Sell, Alison Curtis-Jones
Journal Article, 2016
Building a Practice of Learning Together: Expanding the Functions of Feedback with the use of the flipchart in Contemporary Dance Technique
Research in Dance Education
Dryburgh, J. & Jackson, L.
Journal Article, 2016
Methodological considerations for documenting the energy demand of dance activity: a review
Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science
Beck, S., Wyon, M. & Redding, E.
Journal Article, 2015
Creating Hayden’s Sonatas at the Keyboard – Performer Rights and Responsibilities in Historical Performance
Journal of the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Irving, J.
Journal Article, 2014
‘We’re all on the path ourselves’: The ‘reflective practitioner’ in participatory arts with older people
Journal of Arts & Communities
Wakeling, K.
Journal Article, 2014
Tomorrow’s Music On Yesterday’s Machines: In Search of an ‘Authentic’ Nancarrow Performance
Music Theory Online
Murcott, D.
Journal Article, 2014
Dance and Subtraction: Notes on Alain Badiou’s Inaesthetics
Dance Research Journal
Clark, J. O.
Journal Article, 2011