Place-specificity in choreographic practice / Gwynne Bilski (2017)
Gwynne Bilski
Place-specificity in choreographic practice
2017, Performance based research, Choreographic research, Choreographic process, Performance theory, Site specific art, Environmental art
Predictors of aerobic power : class, rehearsal, performance and aerobic training / Gwen Baraniecki-Zwil (2017)
Gwen Baraniecki-Zwil
Predictors of aerobic power : class, rehearsal, performance and aerobic training
2017, Dance Science, Dance--Physiological aspects, Dance training, Exercise-physiological aspects, Dance--Study and teaching (Higher), Aerobic exercises
Body-to-body transfer : a study on surrender / Gianna Burright (2017)
Gianna Burright
Body-to-body transfer : a study on surrender
2017, Performance based research, Choreographic research, Choreographic process, Performance theory, Kinesthetics, Authentic movement
Body in transit : an investigation of presence as a zone of alterity / Gabriela Flarys (2017)
Gabriela Flarys
Body in transit : an investigation of presence as a zone of alterity
2017, Performance based research, Choreographic research, Eugenio Barba, Jerzy Grotowski, Somatics
A body rites itself / Fernanda Munoz-Newsome (2017)
Fernanda Munoz-Newsome
A body rites itself
2017, Performance based research, Choreographic research, Choreographic process, Movement philosophy and aesthetics, Body as discourse
Effects of perfect parallel foot positions in naturally out-toeing dancers : a study examining balance and associated muscular activation of the lower limb / Evelien Maes (2017)
Evelien Maes
Effects of perfect parallel foot positions in naturally out-toeing dancers : a study examining balance and associated muscular activation of the lower limb
2017, Dance Science, Dance--Physiological aspects, Dance training, Dance--Study and teaching (Higher), Muscles
Playgrounds! / Edoardo Mozzanega (2017)
Edoardo Mozzanega
2017, Performance based research, Choreographic research, Choreographic process, Play - Psychological aspects, Play theories
Kinesthetic learning opportunities : teaching science through creative movement / Corinne Morgan (2017)
Corinne Morgan
Kinesthetic learning opportunities : teaching science through creative movement
2017, Dance -- Study and teaching, Dance and Education, Dance--Study and teaching (Secondary), Secondary Education, Teaching methods, Kinesthetics
The impact of oral peppermint supplementation on rate of fatigue and recovery of contemporary dancers, following high intensity dance activity / Chloe Travers (2017)
Chloe Travers
The impact of oral peppermint supplementation on rate of fatigue and recovery of contemporary dancers, following high intensity dance activity
2017, Dance Science, Dance--Physiological aspects, Dance--Psychological aspects, Stress management, Fatigue, Alternative therapies
A study investigating how perfectionistic tendencies in freelance, professional ballet dancers influences their experience of flow / Carey Hemsley (2017)
Carey Hemsley
A study investigating how perfectionistic tendencies in freelance, professional ballet dancers influences their experience of flow
2017, Dance Science, Dance--Psychological aspects, Dance training, Perfectionism, Flow research, Dance Professionals