Contractions and Cries during COVID: The Traumatic Soundscapes of Lockdown UK Hospital Maternity Wards

Michelle Meinhart
Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture

The aesthetic, artistic and creative contributions of dance for health and wellbeing across the lifecourse: A systematic review International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being

Chappell, K., Redding, E., Crickmay, U., Stancliffe, R., Jobbins, V. & Smith, S.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being

The Digital ‘Turn’ in Music Education

Dave Camlin and Tania Lisboa
Music Education Research

“Introduction: Theorizing Trauma and Music in the Long Nineteenth Century”

Michelle Meinhart and Jillian Rogers
Nineteenth-Century Music Review
2023, 2023


deLahunta, S., Rittershaus, D., & Stancliffe, R.
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media

“Introduction” to special issue “Music, Sound, and Maternity.”

Erin Johnson-Williams and Michelle Meinhart
Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture