Improvisation techniques for choreographic composition / Bakani Pick-Up (2017)

Improvisation techniques for choreographic composition

Author: Bakani Pick-Up

Course: MA Choreography

Year: 2017

Keywords: Choreographic process, Choreographic research, Improvisation in dance, Performance based research, Performance theory,


For project I will be looking at how improvisation techniques can be used to create art work as intended by the choreographer without the use of taught material. Using improvisation as a tool to make the intended image, in this instance contemporary dance.

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Metadata 2018-11-07 03:32 2017

For project I will be looking at how improvisation techniques can be used to create art work as intended by the choreographer without the use of taught material. Using improvisation as a tool to make the intended image, in this instance contemporary dance.

dc.language.iso EN
dc.subject Choreographic process
dc.subject Choreographic research
dc.subject Improvisation in dance
dc.subject Performance based research
dc.subject Performance theory
dc.title Improvisation techniques for choreographic composition MA Choreography 2019-01-25 09:38

Coming soon: dc.type dc.rights.accessrights
Pick-Up, Bakani. (2017). Improvisation techniques for choreographic composition (Masters’ theses). Retrieved