Defining unintentional hiatus: An exploration into the causes and sensations of involuntary pause within the execution of choreographed phrases. / Charis Crudgington (2021)

Defining unintentional hiatus: An exploration into the causes and sensations of involuntary pause within the execution of choreographed phrases.

Author: Charis Crudgington

Course: MA Dance Performance

Year: 2021

Keywords: Body consciousness, Flow research, Movement analysis, Phenomenology, Somatics,


Approached as a “Scholarly Personal Narrative” (Bradley et al., 2011, p.14), this paper aims to define what it means to pause involuntarily during the execution of choreographed movement. Grounded in Csíkszentmihályi’s “flow theory” (Beard, 2014, p.224) and Somatics (Pallant, 2018, p.10), the paper seeks to establish unintentional hiatus as a prevalent sensorial phenomenon whilst realising its parameters. Using a recruitment survey, questionnaire, and workshops as a methodological structure, supported by phenomenological works by Fraleigh, Pallant and Midgelow, potential triggers for unintentional hiatus are presented alongside an outlined framework to categorise them. Theories of Body memory (Fuchs) and Body Consciousness (Shusterman) further aid this qualitative (Pudlinski, 2001, p.401) practical research.

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Metadata 2024-09-27 01:59 2021

Approached as a “Scholarly Personal Narrative” (Bradley et al., 2011, p.14), this paper aims to define what it means to pause involuntarily during the execution of choreographed movement. Grounded in Csíkszentmihályi’s “flow theory” (Beard, 2014, p.224) and Somatics (Pallant, 2018, p.10), the paper seeks to establish unintentional hiatus as a prevalent sensorial phenomenon whilst realising its parameters. Using a recruitment survey, questionnaire, and workshops as a methodological structure, supported by phenomenological works by Fraleigh, Pallant and Midgelow, potential triggers for unintentional hiatus are presented alongside an outlined framework to categorise them. Theories of Body memory (Fuchs) and Body Consciousness (Shusterman) further aid this qualitative (Pudlinski, 2001, p.401) practical research.

dc.language.iso EN
dc.subject Body consciousness
dc.subject Flow research
dc.subject Movement analysis
dc.subject Phenomenology
dc.subject Somatics
dc.title Defining unintentional hiatus: An exploration into the causes and sensations of involuntary pause within the execution of choreographed phrases. MA Dance Performance 2024-09-27 01:59

Coming soon: dc.type dc.rights.accessrights
Crudgington, Charis. (2021). Defining unintentional hiatus: An exploration into the causes and sensations of involuntary pause within the execution of choreographed phrases. (Masters’ theses). Retrieved