Laughter in dance: A look at the relationship between laughter, sound and movement / Tuesdae Houston (2020)
Tuesdae Houston
Laughter in dance: A look at the relationship between laughter, sound and movement
Thesis, 2020
body melts, a somatic approach to the body on and with ice. Questioning the existing practice & expectations of Figure Skating / Maja Luther (2020)
Maja Luther
body melts, a somatic approach to the body on and with ice. Questioning the existing practice & expectations of Figure Skating
Thesis, 2020
A Kinematic Analysis of the Fouetté Rond de Jambe en Tournant / Karen Ferry (2020)
Karen Ferry
A Kinematic Analysis of the Fouetté Rond de Jambe en Tournant
Thesis, 2020
Re: Sense – A choreographic and philosophical journey through the senses / Iris Athanasiadi (2020)
Iris Athanasiadi
Re: Sense - A choreographic and philosophical journey through the senses
Thesis, 2020
A note to myself. An empirical exploration on the physical experiences of the solo performer to question and re-language how embodiment can be experienced. / Thomas Withington (2020)
Thomas Withington
A note to myself. An empirical exploration on the physical experiences of the solo performer to question and re-language how embodiment can be experienced.
Thesis, 2020
Echoes, resonances, interventions: Between movement, speaking and writing / Amelia Zhou (2020)
Amelia Zhou
Echoes, resonances, interventions: Between movement, speaking and writing
Thesis, 2020
Experiencing TOTAL FEAR: A Dance Theatre Exploration of Fear Generation for Stage / Kaitlin Burks (2020)
Kaitlin Burks
Experiencing TOTAL FEAR: A Dance Theatre Exploration of Fear Generation for Stage
Thesis, 2020
The aesthetic, artistic and creative contributions of dance for health and wellbeing across the lifecourse: A systematic review International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being
Chappell, K., Redding, E., Crickmay, U., Stancliffe, R., Jobbins, V. & Smith, S.
Journal Article, 2021
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media
deLahunta, S., Rittershaus, D., & Stancliffe, R.
Journal Article, 2021