Honesty, is the best policy, sometimes. A practice-as research led performance exploring comedy, spoken word and movement in relation to the performer, audience relationship / Kirstin Hood (2017)

Honesty, is the best policy, sometimes. A practice-as research led performance exploring comedy, spoken word and movement in relation to the performer, audience relationship

Author: Kirstin Hood

Course: MA Choreography

Year: 2017

Keywords: Audience response, Choreographic process, Choreographic research, Performance art, Performance based research, Performance theory,


Honesty is the best policy, Sometimes. (Hood, 2017) is a performance piece described as a one woman show, exploring her previous sexcapades. This piece was created by Kirstin Rosa Hood through exploration and research based on an early investigatory idea of: the impact voice and Movement has on breaking down the audience, performer barrier known as the fourth wall. The performance realised itself through a daily practice Hood created which she has entitled, ‘Free Speaking’.

The emphasis of this paper is to discuss the transformative process Hood undertook throughout the journey of this project, in becoming both performer and writer. This paper will discuss the act of embodying text and the lived performance of the embodied material in the performance space and the relationship this created with the audience.

These theories will be supported by key ideas from: Gareth White surrounding audience drawing upon and reflecting on his recent writing: Audience Participation within the theatre: Aesthetics of the invitation (White, 2013) and the practices of Karen Finley and Deborah Hay. Hay offers Hood interesting insights and perspective on Daily practice and how they have helped shape the understanding of her own Daily Practice of ‘Free Speaking’ throughout the creation process of this piece: which was entirely self-directed.

The filmed footage of Honesty is the best policy, Sometimes. (Hood, 2017) can be found inside the back cover of this book.

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dc.date.accessioned 2018-11-08 11:23
dc.date.copyright 2017
dc.identifier.uri https://researchonline.trinitylaban.ac.uk/oa/thesis/?p=230

Honesty is the best policy, Sometimes. (Hood, 2017) is a performance piece described as a one woman show, exploring her previous sexcapades. This piece was created by Kirstin Rosa Hood through exploration and research based on an early investigatory idea of: the impact voice and Movement has on breaking down the audience, performer barrier known as the fourth wall. The performance realised itself through a daily practice Hood created which she has entitled, ‘Free Speaking’.

The emphasis of this paper is to discuss the transformative process Hood undertook throughout the journey of this project, in becoming both performer and writer. This paper will discuss the act of embodying text and the lived performance of the embodied material in the performance space and the relationship this created with the audience.

These theories will be supported by key ideas from: Gareth White surrounding audience drawing upon and reflecting on his recent writing: Audience Participation within the theatre: Aesthetics of the invitation (White, 2013) and the practices of Karen Finley and Deborah Hay. Hay offers Hood interesting insights and perspective on Daily practice and how they have helped shape the understanding of her own Daily Practice of ‘Free Speaking’ throughout the creation process of this piece: which was entirely self-directed.

The filmed footage of Honesty is the best policy, Sometimes. (Hood, 2017) can be found inside the back cover of this book.

dc.language.iso EN
dc.subject Audience response
dc.subject Choreographic process
dc.subject Choreographic research
dc.subject Performance art
dc.subject Performance based research
dc.subject Performance theory
dc.title Honesty, is the best policy, sometimes. A practice-as research led performance exploring comedy, spoken word and movement in relation to the performer, audience relationship
thesis.degree.name MA Choreography
dc.date.updated 2020-12-09 02:21

Coming soon: dc.type thesis.degree.level dc.rights.accessrights
Hood, Kirstin. (2017). Honesty, is the best policy, sometimes. A practice-as research led performance exploring comedy, spoken word and movement in relation to the performer, audience relationship (Masters’ theses). Retrieved https://researchonline.trinitylaban.ac.uk/oa/thesis/?p=230