Body-to-body transfer : a study on surrender / Gianna Burright (2017)

Body-to-body transfer : a study on surrender

Author: Gianna Burright

Course: MFA Choreography

Year: 2017

Keywords: Authentic movement, Choreographic process, Choreographic research, Kinesthetics, Performance based research, Performance theory,


Body-to-body Transfer is a collaborative movement-research based choreographic practice that utilizes improvisatory processes, internal and external kinesthetic attunement, and witness-mover relationships to generate movement.

The purpose of this paper is to review and process the development of this choreographic practice. In order to do so, this paper will provide an overview on literature on the subjects of collaboration, movement research, listening, and Authentic Movement Practice in addition to providing analysis of five collaborations that have worked within this practice.

A primary analysis will be placed on the live dissemination of a study on surrender (2017), the accumulative practical output of this research project. In developing a deeper understanding through critical examination of the choreographic which is realized both collectively and idiosyncratically, this paper establishes the emergence of a multi-sensory perspective as a way to develop, discover and exist; creating an informed approach to an improvisatory focused, movementas-research based choreographic practice of Body-to-body Transfer.

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Metadata 2018-11-08 10:55 2017

Body-to-body Transfer is a collaborative movement-research based choreographic practice that utilizes improvisatory processes, internal and external kinesthetic attunement, and witness-mover relationships to generate movement.

The purpose of this paper is to review and process the development of this choreographic practice. In order to do so, this paper will provide an overview on literature on the subjects of collaboration, movement research, listening, and Authentic Movement Practice in addition to providing analysis of five collaborations that have worked within this practice.

A primary analysis will be placed on the live dissemination of a study on surrender (2017), the accumulative practical output of this research project. In developing a deeper understanding through critical examination of the choreographic which is realized both collectively and idiosyncratically, this paper establishes the emergence of a multi-sensory perspective as a way to develop, discover and exist; creating an informed approach to an improvisatory focused, movementas-research based choreographic practice of Body-to-body Transfer.

dc.language.iso EN
dc.subject Authentic movement
dc.subject Choreographic process
dc.subject Choreographic research
dc.subject Kinesthetics
dc.subject Performance based research
dc.subject Performance theory
dc.title Body-to-body transfer : a study on surrender MFA Choreography 2020-12-09 02:12

Coming soon: dc.type dc.rights.accessrights
Burright, Gianna. (2017). Body-to-body transfer : a study on surrender (Masters’ theses). Retrieved