Mr Charles Linehan
Journal Articles:
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Creative Practice
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Other Activities
- See ‘Other Activities’
2022 Arts Council England R&D
2017- 2020 The Shadow Drone Project, CL Co. + various
2018 Undertow, commission for Jin Xing Dance Theatre, Shanghai
2017 The Shadow Drone Project at Nottingham Contemporary (live). CL Co.
2016 Transfer Laban/ Laban Transferred, AHRC project
2016 Quarter Plus Green, CL Co.
2016 My Mother’s Tears, Guest Artists/ CL Co.
2013 Arts Council England R&D
2011 The Fault Index, CL Co.
2010 The Clearing, CL Co.
2010 Inventions for Radio 1964, CL Co.
2010 Sea, commission for Probe Dance Company
2009 Arts Council England R&D
2008 A Way Now, commission for Probe Dance company
2008 Crawdaddy, commission for Gravity and Levity aerial dance company
2007 Jaanke, commission for Ballet Boyz Co.
2007 Space, measure, distance; commission for Stadtheatre St. Gallen, Switzerland
2007 The Way Station, CL Co.
2006 Grand Junction, commission for Dance Theatre of Ireland
2006 New Work, British Council commission, Belgrade, Serbia
2005 Happy Days, CL Co.
2005 Prussian Blue, commission for Skånes Dansteater, Malmö, Sweden
2003 Lume, British Council commission in collaboration with The Balanescu Quartet, Bucharest, Romania
2005 Number Stations, CL Co.
2004 Disintegration Loops (New Quartet)
2003 Grand Junction, CL Co.
2001 ‘Duet’, CL Co.
2001 Truly Great Thing, commission for Ballet Boyz Co.
2001 Speak, memory, CL Co.
2000 Santa Pod, CL Co.
1999 Preludes and Fugues (Jerwood Award 1998), CL Co.
1999 The Secret, CL Co.
1999 New work for the National Theatre of Bucharest, Romania
1998 Rialto, The Place Production, CL Co.
Arts Council England through Grants for the Arts funding (1998, 2003, 2009 [R&D], 2010, 2013 [R&D], 2015/16, 2022 [R&D], AHRC, PRS for Music Foundation, co-commissions by Dance Umbrella, Dance South West – Pavilion Dance, South East Dance. Tanztendenz (Munich), Greenwich Dance, The Place and The Point, Eastleigh. Further support from: Brighton Festival, The Nightingale Theatre, Brighton; Dance4, Nottingham and Laban Theatre. Commissioned by: Choreographer-in-Residence, a joint project from JOINT ADVENTURES, the Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München and the Muffathalle GmbH. Co-production: Charles Linehan Company, CUE, Dance Umbrella Festival (London), PACT Zollverein/ Choreographisches Zentrum NRW (Essen), Dancespace Project (New York) and DanceWorks (Toronto) Supported by: the Nationalen Performance Netz with funds from the Tanzplans Deutschland der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, the Bayerischen Landesverbandes für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) with funds from the Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Arts Council England, South East; The Leche Trust and the British Council. MAC Sallaumines, Roubaix. The Jerwood Award for choreography (1998), Wingate Foundation fellowship (2003), London Arts Board, Media partner: The Wire Magazine.