
Choreographing change: from solos to collective artistic journey / Manuela Benini (2023)

Manuela Benini
Choreographing change: from solos to collective artistic journey
2023, Kathak dance, Community dance, Activism, Social change, Politics

Quantify the Void: Performative failure in dance as a point of departure towards understanding humanity and mortality / Candice Spykers (2022)

Candice Spykers
Quantify the Void: Performative failure in dance as a point of departure towards understanding humanity and mortality
2022, Grief, Loss, Mortality, Choreographic process

Sleeping Beauties: An Examination of Quality and Quantity of Sleep in Professional Ballet Dancers / Reena Bhattacharjee (2021)

Reena Bhattacharjee
Sleeping Beauties: An Examination of Quality and Quantity of Sleep in Professional Ballet Dancers
2021, Sleep, Mood (Psychology) Physiological aspects, Ballet dancers

An Investigation into the Relationship Between Dancers’ Big Five Personality Traits and Effort-Shape Theory from Laban Praxis: A Modern Contemporary Dance Perspective / Christopher Lord (2021)

Christopher Lord
An Investigation into the Relationship Between Dancers’ Big Five Personality Traits and Effort-Shape Theory from Laban Praxis: A Modern Contemporary Dance Perspective
2021, Laban movement analysis, Psychology of dance, Personality assessment

Tree, Rock, Water Bodies: A Journey into the Landscape with Digital Companions to Discover Imaginative Knowledge / Adianna Apodaca (2021)

Adianna Apodaca
Tree, Rock, Water Bodies: A Journey into the Landscape with Digital Companions to Discover Imaginative Knowledge
2021, Nature, Imagination, Embodiment, Digital media

Defining unintentional hiatus: An exploration into the causes and sensations of involuntary pause within the execution of choreographed phrases. / Charis Crudgington (2021)

Charis Crudgington
Defining unintentional hiatus: An exploration into the causes and sensations of involuntary pause within the execution of choreographed phrases.
2021, Phenomenology, Movement analysis, Body consciousness, Flow research, Somatics

Embodiment of Sound System(s): A Narrative of my Groove / Nathaniel Parchment (2023)

Nathaniel Parchment
Embodiment of Sound System(s): A Narrative of my Groove
2023, LGBTQ+ people, Electronic music, Nightclubs, Somatics, Black dance

Moving midwifery beyond representation: what is and is not possible to do as a midwife in the NHS? / Charlotte McArdle (2022)

Charlotte McArdle
Moving midwifery beyond representation: what is and is not possible to do as a midwife in the NHS?
2022, Childbirth, Midwifery, Movement awareness, National Health Service, Sound

The effectiveness of a passive warm-up protocol for musical theatre performance / Karen Palmer (2022)

Karen Palmer
The effectiveness of a passive warm-up protocol for musical theatre performance
2022, Injury prevention, Muscle fatigue, Passive warmup (PWU), Active warmup (AWU), Dance training, Musical theatre

Dance Science and Health (daSH) programme: dance-based intervention as a social prescription to improve or maintain determinants of health, brain health, neuroplasticity, mental wellness, and quality of life for Singaporean’s older adults with Mild Cognitive impairment / Denise Leok Song Ting

Denise Leong Seok Ting
Dance Science and Health (daSH) programme: dance-based intervention as a social prescription to improve or maintain determinants of health, brain health, neuroplasticity, mental wellness, and quality of life for Singaporean’s older adults with Mild Cognit
2023, 2023, Dance therapy, Aging, Singapore, Mental health