Dr Liliana S. Araújo
Journal Articles:
- Journal Article Frontiers in Psychology
Fit to Perform: A Profile of Higher Education Music Students’ Physical Fitness (2020) - Journal Article Journal of Popular Music Education
Examining the health and well-being experiences of singers in popular music (2019) - Journal Article Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science
Fit to Perform: An Investigation of Higher Education Music Students’ Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviors toward Health (2017)
Other Scholarly outputs
- Book chapter Araújo, L.S. ; Spahn, C. (forthcoming). Promoting health related lifestyle. In Gary E. McPherson (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volumes 1 & 2. Oxford University Press.
- Book chapter Redding, E. ; Araújo, L.S. (forthcoming). Survey Research: Questionnaires and Interviews. In Tom Welsh, Jatin Ambegaonkar, and Lynda Mainwaring (eds), Research Methods in Dance Sciences, University Press of Florida.
- Other Paschali, A.; Araújo, L.S. (forthcoming). Health promotion among dance students in higher education: A qualitative investigation of experiences and perceptions of health and wellbeing, Research in Dance Education
Creative Practice
- No data provided
Other Activities
2021 – current | Performance Health and Wellbeing Coach (freelance/private)
2021 – current | Dance/Connect – University College London & Dance Base, Scotland’s National Centre for Dance
- Dance/Connect Intergenerational Advisory Committee member
2017 – current | Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Liverpool, UK
- External evaluator and consultant for Liverpool Philharmonic’s Musicians’ Performance and Wellbeing programme, funded by Jerwood Arts.
- Co-leader of the ‘Musicians’ return to work programme’, a comprehensive programme aiming to support musicians develop artistic, ensemble, psychological, and physical readiness to return to play and performance after the first lockdown (April 2020 – July 2021).
2020 – 2023 | We are Minding the Gap, USA
- Research lead for Minding the Gap’ research project aiming to develop ways to improve mental health of dancers at Point Park University, funded by Staunton Farm Foundation.
2018-2019 | Arts Council Malta, Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, Malta – 2018-2019
- Design and provision of a training programme on psychological wellbeing to the musicians of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra as part of the project ‘Create 2020 – Investing in cultural and creative capacity skillls in Malta’s public sector – funded by the EU Operational program – European Structural and Investment Funds.
2017-2018 | London Philharmonic Orchestra; Southbank Sinfonia, London, UK
- Consultancy and provision of performance psychology and wellbeing workshops
- Reviewer – Grant awarding and funding bodies
- Reviewer – Frontiers in Psychology, Musicae Scientiae, Psychology of Music, Music Performance Research
- PhD Assessor in Performance Science, Music/Dance Psychology
December 2021 – AHRC bursary – Leadership Pulse training programme for culture leaders, Clore Leadership (training taking place in March & April 2022)
Aug 2016: British Council Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop ‘The Potentials and Challenges of Research in Dance Medicine & Science: building innovation collaborations between United Kingdom and Brazil’
Jan-July 2013: Leonardo da Vinci grant. Mobility: PLM-People in the Labour Market. Postdoc experience at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and dance.
2007-2010: Doctoral grant (SFRH / BD / 30667 / 2006) from POPH-FSE/ Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), Ministry of Science and Technology of Portugal.
PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (Book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings)
- [Forthcoming] Paschali, A. & Araújo, L.S. Health promotion among dance students in higher education: A qualitative investigation of experiences and perceptions of health and wellbeing, Research in Dance Education.
- [Forthcoming] Araújo, L.S. & Spahn, C. Promoting health related lifestyle. In Gary E. McPherson (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volumes 1 & 2. Oxford University Press.
- [Forthcoming] Redding, E. & Araújo, L.S. Survey Research: Questionnaires and Interviews. In Tom Welsh, Jatin Ambegaonkar, and Lynda Mainwaring (eds), Research Methods in Dance Sciences, University Press of Florida.
- Araújo, L.S. et al. (2020), Fit to perform: A profile of Higher Education music students’ physical fitness. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00298
- Heyman, L., Perkins, R., & Araújo, L. S. (2019). Examining the health and well-being experiences of singers in popular music. Journal of Popular Music Education, 3(2), 173-201. https://doi.org/10.1386/jpme.3.2.173_1
- Araújo, L.S., Wasley, D., Perkins, R., Atkins, L., Redding, E., Ginsborg, J., & Williamon, A. (2017), Fit to perform: An investigation of music students’ health promoting attitudes and behaviours. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01558
- Perkins, R., Reid, H., Araújo, L.S., Clark, T, & Williamon, A. (2017). Perceived enablers and barriers to optimal health among music students: A qualitative study in the music conservatoire setting. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 968. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00968
- Cruder, C., Barbero, M., Falla, D., Mangili, F., Azzimonti, L., Araújo, L.S., & Williamon, A. (2017). Profiling the location and extent of musicians’ pain using digital pain drawings. Pain Practice, 18(1), 53-66. https://doi.org/10.1111/papr.12581
- Araújo. L.S., Almeida, L.S., & Cruz, J.F. (2016), Achieving scientific excellence: An exploratory study of the importance of emotional and motivational factors. High Ability Studies, 28(2) 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/13598139.2016.1264293
- Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J.F., & Almeida, L. (2013). Managing social interactions: Psychological skills of excellent dancers. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2013. Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
- Antunes, A., Silva, C., & Araújo, L.S. (2013). A Dança como Fator de Desenvolvimento Pessoal e de Inclusão: Perceções de um Grupo de Dança Inclusiva. [Dance as a Factor for Personal Development and Inclusion: Perceptions of an Inclusive Dance Group]. Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística, v.3, 33-46.
- Araújo, L., Prieto, M., & Bezelga, I. (2012). Danza tradicional na escola: Relato de duas experiencias de inclusión da danza tradicional no programa curricular do ensino básico. Musicrearte digital,1, 43-53.
- Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J.F., & Almeida, L. (2011). Inspirational teachers: Their role in the development of excellence in professional dancers. In A. Williamon, D. Dwards, & L. Bartel (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2011 (pp. 49-54). Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
- Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J. F., & Almeida, L. S. (2010). A entrevista no estudo da excelência: Uma proposta. [The interview in the study of excellence: A proposal] Psychologica, 52, 253-279.
- Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J.F, & Almeida, L. (2010) Percepções de excelência: resultados de um estudo de caso com cientistas e bailarinos. (Meeting Abstract) Proceedings of the II International conference “Excellence: Education and Human Development” (p.107), Braga: HSCI.
- Araújo, L. S., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F. (2009). Pathways of excellence in science and dance: Lessons learned from a Portuguese case study. In A. Williamon, S. Pretty, & R. Buck (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2009 (pp. 139-144). Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
- Araújo, L. S., Matos, D., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F.A. (2008). The study of excellence in science, sport and art in Portugal: Preliminary results and findings from a research program. (Meeting abstract) International Journal of Psychology, 4 (3-4), 779.
- Araújo, L. S., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F. (2007). Excellence on achievement contexts: psychological science applications and future direction. In A. Williamon & D. Coimbra (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science (pp. 17-22). Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC).
- Araújo, L., Almeida, L. & Cruz, J. (2007). Contributos da Psicologia para o estudo da excelência: Perspectivas emergentes e direcções futuras. [Contributions of Psychology to the study of excellence: Emergents perspectives and future directions]. In J.F.Cruz, J. M. Silvério, A. R. Gomes & C. Duarte (Orgs.), Actas da Conferencia Internacional Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício (pp. 4-21). Universidade do Minho, Centro de Investigação em Psicologia.
- Araújo, L., Cruz, J., & Almeida, L. (2007). Excelência humana: Teorias explicativas e o papel determinante do professor. [Human excellence: Explanatory theories and the determinant role of teachers]. Revista Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, XI, 2, 97-221.
- Candeias, A., Duarte, M., Araújo, L., Albano, A., Silvestre, A., Santos, A. F., Argueles, F., & Claudino, P. (2003) Avaliação da Sobredotação: Percepções Parentais. [Giftedness assessment: Parental perceptions] Sobredotação, 4, (1), 75-93.
- Araújo, L.S. (2018, 2019, 2020). Interim Evaluation Report: Elite Performance in Orchestral Musicians: The Pursuit of Artistic Excellence. [unpublished report], Liverpool: Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
- Araújo, L.S. & Atkins, L. (2017). Evaluation Report: Musicians’ Performance, Health and Wellbeing. [unpublished report], Liverpool: Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
- Araújo, L.S. (2010). Excelência em contextos de realização: Em busca da convergência de factores cognitivos, motivacionais e de personalidade. Tese de doutoramento não publicada, University of Minho, Braga. Disponível em: https://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/12424
- Araújo, L. S., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F.A. (2007) Contributos do estudo psicológico da excelência humana para o ensino artístico em Portugal: Desafios para a formação de professores. Conferência Nacional de Educação Artística, Porto
- S. Araújo & P. Garden. Designing and implementing a successful return-to-work programme for musicians, post-lockdown. 12th ASPAH conference, virtual, 2021
- S. Araújo et al. The motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic: dance students and teachers’ experiences of online self-efficacy, stress, burnout, and motivation. 30 & 31st IADMS Conference, virtual, 2020, 2021
- A Paschali & L.S. Araújo. Health promotion among dance students in higher education: A qualitative investigation of experiences and perceptions of health and wellbeing. 29th IADMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
- A Paschali & L.S. Araújo. A qualitative investigation of dance students’ perceptions of health and wellbeing: Challenges experienced in higher education and sources of health support. International Symposium on Performance Science, Melbourne, Australia, 2019
- S. Araújo & S. Rafferty. Stress, coping and psychological skills of conservatoire dance students: Evaluating psychological wellbeing in practice. 29th IADMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
- Lowe, LS. Araújo, & E. Urmston. An investigation of the learning styles of dancers with specific learning difficulties in higher education vocational training. 29th IADMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
- S. Araújo, ‘Percursos (in)certos: Barreiras e desafios nas carreiras nas artes performativas’ [Unstable Pathways: barriers and challenges in careers in the Performing arts], 6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, Setubal, Portugal, June 2018
- S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, R Perkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Music students’ health and wellbeing: attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, R Perkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Music students’ health and wellbeing: attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- D Wasley, L.S. Araújo,E Redding, L Atkins, R Perkins, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Physical and fitness profile of music students: comparisons with normative data and differences between academic level and instrument group. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
- P Mathmann, L.S. Araújo, L Atkins, T Clark, R Lang-Roth, L Pieper, S Rohrbach, A Williamon (2017), Vocal health: an evaluation of the basic protocol of the European Laryngological Society (EL.S.) for trained singers. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
- L Atkins, L.S. Araújo, & A Williamon (2017), Conservatoires UK Healthy Conservatoires Network. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
- C Cruder, D Falla, F Mangili, L Azzimonti, L.S. Araújo, A Williamon, & M Barbero (2017), Pain analysis in musicians using digital pain drawings. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
- S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Are young musicians fit to perform? International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
- S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Healthy performers and sustainable careers: the role of individual attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
- A Sayes, L.S. Araújo & S Ascenso ‘Do Beta-adregenic receptor blockers have a place in the treatment of music performance anxiety? A critical review.’ Performing Arts Medicine Association International Symposium, Colorado, USA, June 2017
- S. Araújo et al. ‘Fit to Perform: A picture of music students; health and wellbeing’ Performing Arts Medicine Association International Symposium, New York, USA, June 2016
- S. Araújo et al ‘A picture of musicians’ health and wellbeing’. Foundations for Excellence, London UK, November 2015
- S. Araújo et al. ‘Psychological skills and health promoting behaviours in musicians.’ Musicians’ Health and Performance 2nd Conference, Odense, Denmark, June 2015
- S. Araújo et al ‘Fit to Perform: preliminary findings’.The Reflective Conservatoire conference, London UK, May 2015
- S. Araújo, JF Cruz & L Almeida ‘Managing social interactions: Psychological skilL.S. of excellent dancers’. International Symposium on Performance Science, Viena Austria, August 2013
- S. Araújo, JF Cruz & L Almeida. ‘Percursos de excelência na Dança: reflexões em torno das transições de carreira’. [Pathways of excellence in dance: reflections on career transitions]. Seminário Internacional Vidas de Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano, University of Minho, Portugal, 2012.
- AC Silva, A Antunes & L.S. Araújo. A Dança como factor de desenvolvimento pessoal e de inclusão: Percepções do Grupo Dançando com a Diferença. [Dance as a factor of personal development and inclusion: Peceptions of Grupo Dançando com a Diferença]. Seminário Internacional Vidas de Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano, University of Minho, Portugal, 2012
- S. Araújo, JF Cruz & L Almeida. Excelência no palco. Uma questão de equilíbrio. Excellence on stage: a matter of balance.]. XII Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto, Portugal. 2011
- S Araújo, L Almeida & JF Cruz. Inspirational teachers: Their role in the development of excellence in professional dancers. International Symposium on Performance Science, Toronto, Canada, 2011.
- Creating Empowering Studio Environments – Centre for Advanced Training CPD Day, London
- Psychological Resilience & Wellbeing – TL Ignite, London
- Psychological Resilience & Wellbeing – Odissi Dance Academy, London
- Motivation, stress, and burnout among performing artists during the Pandemic – Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong
- Moving away from ‘no pain, no gain’: performance science and therapeutic care in conservatory training, Presentation for Johns Hopkins Peabody Institute, USA
- Healthy lifestyles for musicians, London Philharmonic Orchestra
- Performance psychology: Shared themes and applications in Music and Dance’, presentation to the Sound and Music Research Group, Trinity Laban
- Mental Health, perfectionism and coping: Performers’ allies or enemies? RCS Mental health disability symposium, Glasgow, UK
- Preparation for auditions, Music students, Prince Consort Village, London, UK
- Let’s take a nap? Sleep quality for music performance, Prince Consort Village, London, UK
- Effective practice and motivation, LPO Junior Artists programme, London, UK
- Mental skills to prepare for auditions, LPO Foyle Future Firsts, London, UK
- A saúde e o bem-estar do músico: Consequências ou facilitadores da performance? Presentation to the European Piano Teachers Association – Portugal National Meeting
- Musicians’ health and wellbeing: A consequence or an enhancer of music making? Research Seminar, Trinity Laban, London
- Mental health, Wellbeing and Performance, Southbank Sinfonia, London
- Building innovative collaborations in DMS between UK-BR. BR-UK Dance Medicine and Science Network, Goiania, Brazil
- Dance Psychology? BR-UK Dance Medicine and Science Network, Goiania, Brazil
- Fit to Perform, preliminary findings. Musicians’ health and wellbeing, BPS research seminar, London, UK
- Saúde do músico: Treino Mental para a Performance Musical’ [Musicians’ health: mental preparation for performance], Universidade Federal Bahia, Brazil
- Conferencia Saúde ocupacional de músicos e intérpretes, Porto, Portugal
- Fit to Perform: findings so far, BAPAM Training Day, London UK
- New life after injury, Injury day MSc Dance Science, Trinity Laban, London UK
- Lunch talks in Performance Psychology at Trinity Laban
- Research seminar ‘Excellence in performance domains”, Trinity Laban
- Musical Impact presentation at RNCM, Manchester UK
- Founding member of Brazil-UK Dance Medicine and Science Network
- Founding member of the Healthy Conservatoires Network, UK
- International Association for Dance Medicine and Science
- One Dance UK
2021 – Nomination for Inspiring Women in Royal Borough of Greenwich for leading a research project on ‘the motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic in the performing arts.’
2020 – Nomination for Inspirational Lecture by One Dance UK
2019 – Dance Magazine – These 9 Dance Science Studies Could One Day Change Our Approach in the Studio
2019 – Classical Music Magazine, October 2019 – Fine Tuning [about the Wellbeing programme at Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra)
- S. of Performance
- Scidance – Researching in dance science with Liliana Araujo
- DanceWell – The Institution’s Duty to Supporting Dancers’ Mental Health
- Tedx Braga, Portugal