Dr Liliana S. Araújo

Dr Liliana S. Araújo

Research, Scholarship and Creative PracticeOther ActivitiesResearch CV

Journal Articles:

Other Scholarly outputs

  • Book chapter Araújo, L.S. ; Spahn, C. (forthcoming). Promoting health related lifestyle. In Gary E. McPherson (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volumes 1 & 2. Oxford University Press.
  • Book chapter Redding, E. ; Araújo, L.S. (forthcoming). Survey Research: Questionnaires and Interviews. In Tom Welsh, Jatin Ambegaonkar, and Lynda Mainwaring (eds), Research Methods in Dance Sciences, University Press of Florida.
  • Other Paschali, A.; Araújo, L.S. (forthcoming). Health promotion among dance students in higher education: A qualitative investigation of experiences and perceptions of health and wellbeing, Research in Dance Education

Creative Practice

  • No data provided

Other Activities

External Examiner role
  • No data provided
REF Submissions
  • No data provided
Membership of regional, national or international research committees
  • CUK REC – CUK REC administrator (2013 – 2017)
CPD related to sector developments in research policy/practice
  • The motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic: dance students and teachers’ experiences of online self-efficacy, stress, burnout, and motivation. (presentation) – International Association of Dance Medicine and Science Conference (2021)
  • Designing and implementing a successful return-to-work programme for musicians post-lockdown. (presentation) – Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare (2021)
Other examples of engagement with research or advanced scholarship
  • The motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic: dance students and teachers’ experiences of online self-efficacy, stress, burnout, and motivation. (presentation) – International Association of Dance Medicine and Science Conference (2021)
  • Designing and implementing a successful return-to-work programme for musicians post-lockdown. (presentation) – Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare (2021)
  • Inspiring Women in Royal Greenwich – Royal Borough of Greenwich (2020)
  • Nomination Inspirational Lecturer at College, University or Conservatoire Award – One Dance UK (2020)
  • AHRC bursarie for Leadership Pulse training programme by Clore Leadership, – AHRC (2022)
Professional Activities
  • Membership – International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (2018 – current)
  • Membership – British Psychological Society (2017 – current)
  • Membership – One Dance UK (2017 – current)
  • Programme Design and Delivery- Psychological wellbeing training – Malta Philharmonic Orchestra as part of the project ‘Create 2020 – Investing in cultural and creative capacity skills in Malta’s public sector – funded by the EU Operational program – European Structural and Investment Funds. – Arts Council Malta, Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, Malta (2018 – 2019)
  • Advisory Member – Dance/Connect Intergenerational Advisory Committee (2021 – current)
  • Founding Member – Healthy Conservatoires Network (2015 – current)
Research projects conducted with external partners
  • Case Study in Mental Health of Dancers & Impacts of Preventative Mental Health Program (2020 – current)
    Minding the Gap with Point Park University, USA ( Non-profit organisation)
    (Research Lead) This is a 3-year programme led by Minding the Gap with Point Park University, founded by Stauton Farm oundation. The aim of this study is to collect data on the mental wellness of dancers and effectiveness of prevention interventions to start an informed conversation in the dance community about the benefits of incorporating mental wellness in dance training.
    Link to project
  • The motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic on learning and teaching experiences in music and dance training. (2020 – current)
    Victorian College of Arts, University of Melbourne; Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts ( HEP)
    (Project Leader) The project aims to understand the motivational and emotional impact of the pandemic on learning and teaching experiences in performng arts students and teachers, especially stress, burnout and motivation.
    Link to project
Consultancy projects informing policy making
  • No data provided
Other consultancy work
  • Royal Liverpool Philharmonic – External evaluator and consultant for the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Performance Health and Wellbeing programmes. Evaluator and consultant for the Jerwood Arts funded project ‘Elite Performance in Professional Musicians’, consisting of delivering a pioneering performance coaching programme that will support up to 25 musicians contracted by the orchestra yearly, across three editions. (2018 – 2022)
  • Royal Liverpool Philharmonic – Co-leader of the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Musicians’ Return to work programme, Royal Liverpool Orchestra (2020 – 2021)
Research funding
  • No data provided


2021 – current | Performance Health and Wellbeing Coach (freelance/private)

2021 – current | Dance/Connect – University College London & Dance Base, Scotland’s National Centre for Dance

  • Dance/Connect Intergenerational Advisory Committee member

2017 – current | Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Liverpool, UK

  • External evaluator and consultant for Liverpool Philharmonic’s Musicians’ Performance and Wellbeing programme, funded by Jerwood Arts.
  • Co-leader of the ‘Musicians’ return to work programme’, a comprehensive programme aiming to support musicians develop artistic, ensemble, psychological, and physical readiness to return to play and performance after the first lockdown (April 2020 – July 2021).

2020 – 2023 | We are Minding the Gap, USA

  • Research lead for Minding the Gap’ research project aiming to develop ways to improve mental health of dancers at Point Park University, funded by Staunton Farm Foundation.

2018-2019 | Arts Council Malta, Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, Malta – 2018-2019

  • Design and provision of a training programme on psychological wellbeing to the musicians of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra as part of the project ‘Create 2020 – Investing in cultural and creative capacity skillls in Malta’s public sector – funded by the EU Operational program – European Structural and Investment Funds.

2017-2018 | London Philharmonic Orchestra; Southbank Sinfonia, London, UK

  • Consultancy and provision of performance psychology and wellbeing workshops


  • Reviewer – Grant awarding and funding bodies
  • Reviewer – Frontiers in Psychology, Musicae Scientiae, Psychology of Music, Music Performance Research
  • PhD Assessor in Performance Science, Music/Dance Psychology


December 2021 – AHRC bursary – Leadership Pulse training programme for culture leaders, Clore Leadership (training   taking place in March & April 2022)

Aug 2016: British Council Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop ‘The Potentials and Challenges of Research in Dance Medicine & Science: building innovation collaborations between United Kingdom and Brazil’

Jan-July 2013: Leonardo da Vinci grant. Mobility: PLM-People in the Labour Market. Postdoc experience at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and dance.

2007-2010: Doctoral grant (SFRH / BD / 30667 / 2006) from POPH-FSE/ Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), Ministry of Science and Technology of Portugal.


PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (Book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings)

  • [Forthcoming] Paschali, A. & Araújo, L.S. Health promotion among dance students in higher education: A qualitative investigation of experiences and perceptions of health and wellbeing, Research in Dance Education.
  • [Forthcoming] Araújo, L.S. & Spahn, C. Promoting health related lifestyle. In Gary E. McPherson (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volumes 1 & 2. Oxford University Press.
  • [Forthcoming] Redding, E. & Araújo, L.S. Survey Research: Questionnaires and Interviews. In Tom Welsh, Jatin Ambegaonkar, and Lynda Mainwaring (eds), Research Methods in Dance Sciences, University Press of Florida.
  • Araújo, L.S. et al. (2020), Fit to perform: A profile of Higher Education music students’ physical fitness. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00298
  • Heyman, L., Perkins, R., & Araújo, L. S. (2019). Examining the health and well-being experiences of singers in popular music. Journal of Popular Music Education, 3(2), 173-201. https://doi.org/10.1386/jpme.3.2.173_1
  • Araújo, L.S., Wasley, D., Perkins, R., Atkins, L., Redding, E., Ginsborg, J., & Williamon, A. (2017), Fit to perform: An investigation of music students’ health promoting attitudes and behaviours. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01558
  • Perkins, R., Reid, H., Araújo, L.S., Clark, T, & Williamon, A. (2017). Perceived enablers and barriers to optimal health among music students: A qualitative study in the music conservatoire setting. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 968. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00968
  • Cruder, C., Barbero, M., Falla, D., Mangili, F., Azzimonti, L., Araújo, L.S., & Williamon, A. (2017). Profiling the location and extent of musicians’ pain using digital pain drawings. Pain Practice, 18(1), 53-66. https://doi.org/10.1111/papr.12581
  • Araújo. L.S., Almeida, L.S., & Cruz, J.F. (2016), Achieving scientific excellence: An exploratory study of the importance of emotional and motivational factors. High Ability Studies, 28(2) 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/13598139.2016.1264293
  • Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J.F., & Almeida, L. (2013). Managing social interactions: Psychological skills of excellent dancers. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2013. Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
  • Antunes, A., Silva, C., & Araújo, L.S. (2013). A Dança como Fator de Desenvolvimento Pessoal e de Inclusão: Perceções de um Grupo de Dança Inclusiva. [Dance as a Factor for Personal Development and Inclusion: Perceptions of an Inclusive Dance Group]. Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística, v.3, 33-46.
  • Araújo, L., Prieto, M., & Bezelga, I. (2012). Danza tradicional na escola: Relato de duas experiencias de inclusión da danza tradicional no programa curricular do ensino básico. Musicrearte digital,1, 43-53.
  • Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J.F., & Almeida, L. (2011). Inspirational teachers: Their role in the development of excellence in professional dancers. In A. Williamon, D. Dwards, & L. Bartel (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2011 (pp. 49-54). Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
  • Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J. F., & Almeida, L. S. (2010). A entrevista no estudo da excelência: Uma proposta. [The interview in the study of excellence: A proposal] Psychologica, 52, 253-279.
  • Araújo, L. S., Cruz, J.F, & Almeida, L. (2010) Percepções de excelência: resultados de um estudo de caso com cientistas e bailarinos. (Meeting Abstract) Proceedings of the II International conference “Excellence: Education and Human Development” (p.107), Braga: HSCI.
  • Araújo, L. S., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F. (2009). Pathways of excellence in science and dance: Lessons learned from a Portuguese case study. In A. Williamon, S. Pretty, & R. Buck (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2009 (pp. 139-144). Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC).
  • Araújo, L. S., Matos, D., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F.A. (2008). The study of excellence in science, sport and art in Portugal: Preliminary results and findings from a research program. (Meeting abstract) International Journal of Psychology, 4 (3-4), 779.
  • Araújo, L. S., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F. (2007). Excellence on achievement contexts: psychological science applications and future direction. In A. Williamon & D. Coimbra (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science (pp. 17-22). Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC).
  • Araújo, L., Almeida, L. & Cruz, J. (2007). Contributos da Psicologia para o estudo da excelência: Perspectivas emergentes e direcções futuras. [Contributions of Psychology to the study of excellence: Emergents perspectives and future directions]. In J.F.Cruz, J. M. Silvério, A. R. Gomes & C. Duarte (Orgs.), Actas da Conferencia Internacional Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício (pp. 4-21). Universidade do Minho, Centro de Investigação em Psicologia.
  • Araújo, L., Cruz, J., & Almeida, L. (2007). Excelência humana: Teorias explicativas e o papel determinante do professor. [Human excellence: Explanatory theories and the determinant role of teachers]. Revista Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, XI, 2, 97-221.
  • Candeias, A., Duarte, M., Araújo, L., Albano, A., Silvestre, A., Santos, A. F., Argueles, F., & Claudino, P. (2003) Avaliação da Sobredotação: Percepções Parentais. [Giftedness assessment: Parental perceptions] Sobredotação, 4, (1), 75-93.



  • Araújo, L.S. (2018, 2019, 2020). Interim Evaluation Report: Elite Performance in Orchestral Musicians: The Pursuit of Artistic Excellence. [unpublished report], Liverpool: Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • Araújo, L.S. & Atkins, L. (2017). Evaluation Report: Musicians’ Performance, Health and Wellbeing. [unpublished report], Liverpool: Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • Araújo, L.S. (2010). Excelência em contextos de realização: Em busca da convergência de factores cognitivos, motivacionais e de personalidade. Tese de doutoramento não publicada, University of Minho, Braga. Disponível em: https://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/12424
  • Araújo, L. S., Almeida, L., & Cruz, J.F.A. (2007) Contributos do estudo psicológico da excelência humana para o ensino artístico em Portugal: Desafios para a formação de professores. Conferência Nacional de Educação Artística, Porto



  • S. Araújo & P. Garden. Designing and implementing a successful return-to-work programme for musicians, post-lockdown. 12th ASPAH conference, virtual, 2021
  • S. Araújo et al. The motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic: dance students and teachers’ experiences of online self-efficacy, stress, burnout, and motivation. 30 & 31st IADMS Conference, virtual, 2020, 2021
  • A Paschali & L.S. Araújo. Health promotion among dance students in higher education: A qualitative investigation of experiences and perceptions of health and wellbeing. 29th IADMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
  • A Paschali & L.S. Araújo. A qualitative investigation of dance students’ perceptions of health and wellbeing: Challenges experienced in higher education and sources of health support. International Symposium on Performance Science, Melbourne, Australia, 2019
  • S. Araújo & S. Rafferty. Stress, coping and psychological skills of conservatoire dance students: Evaluating psychological wellbeing in practice. 29th IADMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
  • Lowe, LS. Araújo, & E. Urmston. An investigation of the learning styles of dancers with specific learning difficulties in higher education vocational training. 29th IADMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2019
  • S. Araújo, ‘Percursos (in)certos: Barreiras e desafios nas carreiras nas artes performativas’ [Unstable Pathways: barriers and challenges in careers in the Performing arts], 6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, Setubal, Portugal, June 2018
  • S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, R Perkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Music students’ health and wellbeing: attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, R Perkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Music students’ health and wellbeing: attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • D Wasley, L.S. Araújo,E Redding, L Atkins, R Perkins, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Physical and fitness profile of music students: comparisons with normative data and differences between academic level and instrument group. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • P Mathmann, L.S. Araújo, L Atkins, T Clark, R Lang-Roth, L Pieper, S Rohrbach, A Williamon (2017), Vocal health: an evaluation of the basic protocol of the European Laryngological Society (EL.S.) for trained singers. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • L Atkins, L.S. Araújo, & A Williamon (2017), Conservatoires UK Healthy Conservatoires Network. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • C Cruder, D Falla, F Mangili, L Azzimonti, L.S. Araújo, A Williamon, & M Barbero (2017), Pain analysis in musicians using digital pain drawings. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Are young musicians fit to perform? International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • S. Araújo, D Wasley, L Atkins, E Redding, J Ginsborg, & A Williamon (2017), Healthy performers and sustainable careers: the role of individual attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. International Symposium on Performance Science, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • A Sayes, L.S. Araújo & S Ascenso ‘Do Beta-adregenic receptor blockers have a place in the treatment of music performance anxiety? A critical review.’ Performing Arts Medicine Association International Symposium, Colorado, USA, June 2017
  • S. Araújo et al. ‘Fit to Perform: A picture of music students; health and wellbeing’ Performing Arts Medicine Association International Symposium, New York, USA, June 2016
  • S. Araújo et al ‘A picture of musicians’ health and wellbeing’. Foundations for Excellence, London UK, November 2015
  • S. Araújo et al. ‘Psychological skills and health promoting behaviours in musicians.’ Musicians’ Health and Performance 2nd Conference, Odense, Denmark, June 2015
  • S. Araújo et al ‘Fit to Perform: preliminary findings’.The Reflective Conservatoire conference, London UK, May 2015
  • S. Araújo, JF Cruz & L Almeida ‘Managing social interactions: Psychological skilL.S. of excellent dancers’. International Symposium on Performance Science, Viena Austria, August 2013
  • S. Araújo, JF Cruz & L Almeida. ‘Percursos de excelência na Dança: reflexões em torno das transições de carreira’. [Pathways of excellence in dance: reflections on career transitions]. Seminário Internacional Vidas de Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano, University of Minho, Portugal, 2012.
  • AC Silva, A Antunes & L.S. Araújo. A Dança como factor de desenvolvimento pessoal e de inclusão: Percepções do Grupo Dançando com a Diferença. [Dance as a factor of personal development and inclusion: Peceptions of Grupo Dançando com a Diferença]. Seminário Internacional Vidas de Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano, University of Minho, Portugal, 2012
  • S. Araújo, JF Cruz & L Almeida. Excelência no palco. Uma questão de equilíbrio. Excellence on stage: a matter of balance.]. XII Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto, Portugal. 2011
  • S Araújo, L Almeida & JF Cruz. Inspirational teachers: Their role in the development of excellence in professional dancers. International Symposium on Performance Science, Toronto, Canada, 2011.




  • Creating Empowering Studio Environments – Centre for Advanced Training CPD Day, London
  • Psychological Resilience & WellbeingTL Ignite, London
  • Psychological Resilience & WellbeingOdissi Dance Academy, London
  • Motivation, stress, and burnout among performing artists during the Pandemic – Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong



  • Healthy lifestyles for musicians, London Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Performance psychology: Shared themes and applications in Music and Dance’, presentation to the Sound and Music Research Group, Trinity Laban


  • Mental Health, perfectionism and coping: Performers’ allies or enemies? RCS Mental health disability symposium, Glasgow, UK
  • Preparation for auditions, Music students, Prince Consort Village, London, UK
  • Let’s take a nap? Sleep quality for music performance, Prince Consort Village, London, UK
  • Effective practice and motivation, LPO Junior Artists programme, London, UK
  • Mental skills to prepare for auditions, LPO Foyle Future Firsts, London, UK
  • A saúde e o bem-estar do músico: Consequências ou facilitadores da performance? Presentation to the European Piano Teachers Association – Portugal National Meeting
  • Musicians’ health and wellbeing: A consequence or an enhancer of music making? Research Seminar, Trinity Laban, London


  • Mental health, Wellbeing and Performance, Southbank Sinfonia, London
  • Building innovative collaborations in DMS between UK-BR. BR-UK Dance Medicine and Science Network, Goiania, Brazil
  • Dance Psychology? BR-UK Dance Medicine and Science Network, Goiania, Brazil
  • Fit to Perform, preliminary findings. Musicians’ health and wellbeing, BPS research seminar, London, UK


  • Saúde do músico: Treino Mental para a Performance Musical’ [Musicians’ health: mental preparation for performance], Universidade Federal Bahia, Brazil
  • Conferencia Saúde ocupacional de músicos e intérpretes, Porto, Portugal


  • Fit to Perform: findings so far, BAPAM Training Day, London UK
  • New life after injury, Injury day MSc Dance Science, Trinity Laban, London UK


  • Lunch talks in Performance Psychology at Trinity Laban
  • Research seminar ‘Excellence in performance domains”, Trinity Laban
  • Musical Impact presentation at RNCM, Manchester UK



  • Founding member of Brazil-UK Dance Medicine and Science Network
  • Founding member of the Healthy Conservatoires Network, UK
  • International Association for Dance Medicine and Science
  • One Dance UK



2021 – Nomination for Inspiring Women in Royal Borough of Greenwich for leading a research project on ‘the motivational and emotional impact of Covid-19 pandemic in the performing arts.’

2020 – Nomination for Inspirational Lecture by One Dance UK

2019 – Dance Magazine – These 9 Dance Science Studies Could One Day Change Our Approach in the Studio

2019 – Classical Music Magazine, October 2019 – Fine Tuning [about the Wellbeing programme at Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra)
