
Choreographic Assemblage and a Multiplicity of Creativity / Rosamond Martin (2019)

Rosamond Martin
Choreographic Assemblage and a Multiplicity of Creativity
Thesis, 2019

The Role of Empathetic Collaboration in a Developing Creative Practice: Cultivating Self and Group through the Exploration of Memory / Catriona Leckie (2019)

Catriona Leckie
The Role of Empathetic Collaboration in a Developing Creative Practice: Cultivating Self and Group through the Exploration of Memory
Thesis, 2019

The Voice of the Edit: an Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Communicative Properties in Dance / Kaila Holford (2019)

Kaila Holford
The Voice of the Edit: an Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Communicative Properties in Dance
Thesis, 2019

סבב – A Choreographic Exploration of Ritual Dance Text in the Old Testament Bible / Samantha Harper-Robins (2019)

Samantha Harper-Robins
סבב – A Choreographic Exploration of Ritual Dance Text in the Old Testament Bible
Thesis, 2019

(dis)association : a performative investigation into separation, dissociation and detachment / L. S. Merritt Millman (2017)

L. S. Merritt Millman
(dis)association : a performative investigation into separation, dissociation and detachment
Thesis, 2017

Honesty, is the best policy, sometimes. A practice-as research led performance exploring comedy, spoken word and movement in relation to the performer, audience relationship / Kirstin Hood (2017)

Kirstin Hood
Honesty, is the best policy, sometimes. A practice-as research led performance exploring comedy, spoken word and movement in relation to the performer, audience relationship
Thesis, 2017

Mood movement choreography : shifting the role of the choreographer to develop a choreographic process informed by the mood of the dancer / Bridgette Wilson (2017)

Bridgette Wilson
Mood movement choreography : shifting the role of the choreographer to develop a choreographic process informed by the mood of the dancer
Thesis, 2017

Improvisation techniques for choreographic composition / Bakani Pick-Up (2017)

Bakani Pick-Up
Improvisation techniques for choreographic composition
Thesis, 2017